September, 2021 archive
Flag Daze 0
Florida Man has his Trump flag stolen and finds a note.
Vaccine Nation 0
Writing at The Colorado Sun, Mike Littwin argues the anti-vaxs, anti-mask crowd has a strange and dangerous notion of “liberty.” A snippet (emphasis added):
Follow the link for his reasoning.
(Broken link fixed.)
Hazards 0
Robin Alcarian is also fed up with the governors of what blogger Ted McLaughlin has dubbed “The Petri Dish States.” A nugget:
In response to legal threats by Republican governors like Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Biden was blithe: “If those governors won’t help us beat the pandemic,” he said last week, “I will use my power as president to get them out of the way.”
The refusal of otherwise healthy people to vaccinate is, in fact, a trampling of common sense, decency and the very idea that any of us owes a measure of respect to those around us.
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
Do not forget, “social” media isn’t.
Vaccine Nation, Republicans No Longer Believe in the Common Good Dept. 0
The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts has a question for persons who insist that vaccine requirements somehow violate their “rights”:
Follow the link for the rest.