From Pine View Farm

The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

It looks like Cape May and Wildwood, where we used to vacation when I lived in the Philly area, are doomed have a less than propitious future.

In these parts, spring and fall have almost disappeared. From being a matter of months, they have become a matter of weeks.

When I was a young ‘un, growing up not far from where I write this, temperatures would gradually get cooler from September to November, usually with a bit of Indian summer around Thanksgiving. Then the cold weather would set in. Frosts were common from late October on.

No more.

We haven’t had a frost yet, and, last week, I drove the recycling to the recycling center with the top down on my car. And that warm day was not an exception.

This week, we are wrapping ourselves in down, but we still haven’t had a frost.

I fear we are well past the tipping point.


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