January, 2022 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to our furry four-legged friends.
Yes, I agree, the concept of “support animals” has been warped beyond recognition. But that’s irrelevant to the point of this post, which is that the concept of the “right to bear arms” has been warped beyong recognition.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Florida Man’s Republican cancel culture cancels (a lecture about) the Civil Rights Movement.
I think that cancelling the Civil Rights Movement, not just lectures about it, would not be an unwelcome outcome in the eyes of today’s Republican Party.
Vaccine Nation 0
The writer of a letter to the Kansas City Star points out that Santayana was right.
Prior Restraint 0
The University of Florida’s attempt to keep professors from giving testimony that might anger Florida’s governor does not end well for Florida Man the institution of higher so-called learning in federal district court.
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Steven Stosny writes of living with resentful persons. He focuses on individuals in their day-to-day environments at work and home, yet I think much of what he says can be expanded to our political discourse.
I suggest that certain public figures foment misdirected or even baseless resentment to further their fortunes.
I offer one snippet in support of my position and commend the entire piece to your attention.