A Casualty 0
Over the years, I’ve posted a number of images from a site named “All Things Amazing” (always attributing the source), a site based in Russia (the URL was a *.ru URL). I appreciated the webmaster’s love for the outre and the impish.
Today, this came into my rss feed. Note that, by the time you read this, the link may not work, or, at least, may not work fully.
(Russian text snipped.)
________________________________________________________________________________________________yesterday I received this notice
On 10.03.2022, the site radikal.ru ceases to work.
From this date, videos and pictures will not be available.
To avoid losing your content, save it to your disk.”this will be the end of the legendary retro_dome and adski_kafeteri, because 90% of images in these communities were uploaded and stored on this photo-host.
if you don’t know who to thank for the holes instead of images in this community, write a collective letter of gratitude to Putin and his war.
but the holes in this community are incalculably easier to survive, than the holes instead of the windows of Ukrainian residential buildings, hospitals and schools.
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