From Pine View Farm

June, 2022 archive


Benjamin Rush:

Freedom can exist only in the society of knowledge. Without learning, men are incapable of knowing their rights.

Q. E. D.


A Self-Inflicted Injury 2

F. T. Rea points fingers. A snippet:

Moreover, two groups, in particular, must bear much of the responsibility for Trump’s 2016 win and thus today’s decision that struck down Roe vs. Wade: 1. Republicans who were semi-revolted by Trump. Still, by habit, just couldn’t vote for a Democrat. 2. Democrats, who, because they were bored with politics and/or they found Clinton too annoying, simply didn’t vote, again.

Methinks he has a point.

The lesser of two evils is always preferable to the evil of two lessers.


School Daze, Futile Fortification Dept. 0

Sam and Emma talk with a caller, an architect, who discusses how architects feel about hardening schools from mass shootings.


The Back Story 0

At, Frances Coleman, who believes that abortion is wrong, struggles with why she finds the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade disturbing. It’s a powerful article worth your while. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

This isn’t about morality. It’s about the power of the state to make you do things. Morality? There are a lot of things that are immoral, yet legal, just as there are a lot of things that are moral, yet illegal.

It may be immoral to gamble away your paycheck, but it’s not illegal. And it is, in my and many others’ view, immoral to strap a person to a gurney and kill him, but it’s perfectly legal.

There was a time when the members of the U.S. Supreme Court seemed above partisan politics. But that’s only a memory now, as this most recent decision clearly shows.

On a related issue, Badtux reports that one of his friends is fed up with the purists, those self-proclaimed “progressives” who refuse to vote if they don’t find a candidate perfect in every way. Here’s a snippet from that article:

Is your conscience still clear, now that your refusal to vote for the lesser of two evils brought us the far greater evil?

Read more »


Originalist Sin 0

PoliticalProf parses the pretzel logic.


The Groomer 0

Republican Elephant wearing MAGA hat offers an assualt rifle to a child, saying,

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“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The race to politeness heats up.


A Lawyer Who Lost His Briefs 0

More stuff you can’t make up.



Elmer Davis:

The easiest way to inject a propaganda idea into most people’s minds is to let it go through the medium of an entertainment picture when they do not realize that they are being propagandized.


Devolution 0

Title:  50 Years after Watergate.  Image:  Richard Nixon, arms spread wide, making a V for victory sign.  Nixon says,

Click for the original image.


“The Call Is Coming from Inside the House” 0

Read the article at USA Today.


Twits on Twitter 0

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


The Water Bearers 0

Title:  Open Carry.

Click to view the original image.


Today’s Supreme Court is unprecedented. Except possibly by Justice Taney.


Misdirection Play, the Transphobia Tactic 0

At the San Francisco Chronicle, Scott Wiener, a California state senator who recently received bomb threats about his sexual orientation, susses the strategy. Here’s a bit (emphasis added); follow the link for the rest.

This is a classic diversion tactic. Right-wing leaders are basically saying: See, it’s the queer people who are ruining everything. Not the wage stagnation we’ve created by gutting unions and keeping the minimum wage absurdly low. Not the pandemic, which we’ve all but ignored and told you was fake. Not the increasing temperatures and frequent natural disasters that we pretend aren’t related to climate change. This culture war is designed to avert attention away from the men behind the curtain who can’t govern.


Peeping Toms Pols 0

Words fail me.


Hoist on His Own Blowhard 0

Donald Trump, suspended from a bar labeled

Click for the original image.

Via Job’s Anger.



Harry Anderson:

There is no magic. There are only magicians.


“The” Stupid 0

It burns.


A Maddest Proposal 0

You’ve heard of Veterans’ Day and Memorial Day?

Michigan Republican proposes Traitors’ Day. (He doesn’t call it that, but that’s what it would be.)

We are a failing state.


The Witness 0

Lady Liberty, holding a paper reading

Click to view the original image.
