From Pine View Farm

August, 2022 archive

Facebook Frolics 0

Inadvertently truthful frolics.


They just can’t help telling us who they are, can they?


The Enthralled 0

I’m not generally a big fan of Jonah Goldberg, but, in his analysis of Donald Trump’s hold over his cultists, I think he may be onto something.


Close-Out Sale 0

Donald Trump behind the counter of the

Click to view the original image.


Wheel of Misfortune 0

The stupid. It burns.



Vanna Bonta:

Truth may sometimes hurt, but delusion harms.


Closing Books, Closing Minds 0

Ray Bradbury once said, “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”

I wonder what he would have to say about this.


The Rule of Flaw 0

Republican Elephant wearing a Trump wig in the witness stand.  Lawyer asks,

Click for the original image.


A Question of Maturity 0

Ask yourself, who’s less mature–the pregnant, desperate, parentless teenager or the state of Florida?

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


Influencer Idiocy 0

“Social” media is turning us into a society of stupid.


Inside the Bubble 0

A Der Spiegel correspondent who has lived in Moscow for 14 years describes how what he refers to as “my Moscow” has changed since the Putin the Wannabe Great’s invasion of Ukraine.

It is well worth a read.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another child is exposed to politeness in NRA Eden.


Facebook Frolics 0

Oh, Deere. Something posted on Facebook was of–er–questionable accuracy.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.



William Feather:

An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t. It’s knowing where to go to find out what you need to know, and it’s knowing how to use the information once you get it.


Thought Police 0

A University of Florida professor describes the stifling effect that Florida’s “Stop Woke Act” is having on him and his colleagues. A snippet; follow the link for more.

First, instructors of both student courses and employee trainings are afraid. Afraid of saying the wrong thing, being entangled in an investigation, and getting pulled away from the valuable work they do and love. As a result, many are now considering whether to include content they’ve taught for years, even though their expertise as educators and researchers tells them to include that content.


Implausible Deniability 0

Frame One:  Iranian leader says,

Click for the original image.


He Had It His Way 0

Florida Man.


Boebert Is the New Gohmert 0

Honest to Betsy, you can’t make this stuff up.


Rand Gestures 0

If your cult leader gets caught breaking the law, well, then, why not just make that law go away?

Words fail me.


False Equivalence 0

Alan Dershowitz recently complained that an investigation of Hillary Clinton was treated differently than that of Donald Trump, specifically as regards the FBI’s search, under the authority of a legal warrant, of Mar-a-Largo.

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice explains why one thing is not like the other thing.

So at least part of the reason the matter was “handled so differently” is akin to asking why cops don’t approach grand theft auto and shoplifting the same way even though both suspects are “suspected of mishandling someone else’s material.”

Follow the link for details.


The Rule of Flaw 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini plays “What If.”
