September, 2022 archive
The New Gilded Age 0
Methinks the editorial board of the Las Vegas Sun is onto something.
The Profilers 0
B-B-B-But he fit their profile.
And Now for Something Completely Different–Or Is It? 0
This television episode from six decades ago is eerily prescient.
The Fifth Column 0
Mona Charen is appalled by the embrace by some on the right of Vladimir Putin and by their support of his special operation invasion of Ukraine. Here’s a bit of her article:
Follow the link to see why she says that.
Bipolar 0
At the Idaho State Journal, Leonard Hitchcock considers the causes and effect of our increasing polarized polity. Among other things, he suggests that far too many of our citizenry now base their positions on issues on party (what the Founders called “faction”), rather than on the facts surrounding the issues and the merits of proposals themselves.
It is a thoughtful and reflective piece which I commend to your attention. I cite one bit, which comes after his discussion of causes:
Facebook Frolics 0
The Zuckerborg is a soulless monster.
And, in further proof that “social” media isn’t, there’s Florida Woman.
And Now for a Musical Interlude 0
I first learned of this song in the movie, Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, which I consider to be one of Robert Mitchum’s finest movies. If you haven’t watched it, do so today.
As my two or three regular readers know, I’ve since become a big fan of the Andrews Sisters. They had that something.
“But It’s the Only Possible Explanation” 0
At The Roanoke Times, retired professor Fred Waddell offers a theory as to why people fall for conspiracy theories gain acceptance. He identifies four operative factors; here’s one of them (emphasis added):
Follow the link for the other three.
(Spellink erorr correxted.)
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Resolve disagreements with politeness.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
As near as I can tell, the single underlying core value of today’s Republican Party is mean for the sake of mean.
PoliticalProf has a thought on this same issue.