From Pine View Farm

March, 2023 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The holstered gun of a lunchroom parent/volunteer at Pinckney’s Navigator Upper Elementary School landed on the floor when the holster fell off the man’s belt as he was “engaging with students in the gym” on Friday, according to a letter that went out to district parents after 3 p.m.

One more time, “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.


Woke to the Misdirection Play, Reprise 0

You can see the “woke” misdirection play in all its gloried story in one of the most appallingly bogus pieces of deceptive drivel that I’ve read in years. I hesitated about mentioning it, but it illustrates how a misdirection play spreads and pollutes dis coarse discourse.

For one thing, the author claims that “woke” is a movement, when it is, in fact, a right-wing pejorative. There is no “woke” movement except in the minds of bigots who resent being called out for their bigotry.

Then he argues that somehow “woke” is a mirror image of MAGA, whereas, if there were a “woke” movement (remember, no such movement), it would not be a mirror image, it would be the antithesis of MAGA, of bigotry, the antithesis of hate, of–oh, heck, words fail me.


This New Gilded Age 0

Focusing on a proposed law in Iowa, labor leader Tom Conway warns of the consequences of the return of child labor. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

(Boy Scout leader Brad–ed.) Greve vehemently opposes a proposal moving through Iowa’s Republican-controlled legislature that would allow 14-year-olds to work in industrial freezers, meatpacking plants and industrial laundry operations. The legislation also would put 15-year-olds to work on certain kinds of assembly lines and allow them to hoist up to 50 pounds.

In some cases, it even would permit young teens to work mining and construction jobs and let them use power-driven meat slicers and food choppers.

Just three years ago, a 16-year-old in Tennessee fell 11 stories to his death while working construction on a hotel roof. Another 16-year-old lost an arm that same year while cleaning a meat grinder at a Tennessee supermarket,

But these preventable tragedies mean nothing to Iowa legislators bent on helping greedy employers pad their bottom lines at kids’ expense.

We are a society in regression.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt, Reprise 0

Southern planters at slave acution.  Off to the side, one says to another,

Click to view the original image.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0

It’s also on the curriculum in a nearby county’s public schools.

The Isle of Wight County School Board last week narrowly passed a revised policy that, among other things, states that “there is no systemic racism or bigotry perpetuated by the United States or any governmental entity.”


Other new principles outlined in the policy include that “parents or guardians have the sole responsibility for guiding their children’s views on controversial topics” and that “no one is inherently a victim or oppressed due to their race (consciously or unconsciously), skin color, gender, religion, national origin, sex, medical condition, age, martial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, or disability.”


Oh, yeah, by the way, it’s this county.



William Tecumseh Sherman:

Every attempt to make war easy and safe will result in humiliation and disaster.


Unimaginable 0

Little girl:  Grandma, how are kids today different than kids before video games, the internet, and cable TV.  Grandma:  How do you think they are different?  Little girl:  I have a hard time imagining.  Grandma:  I think you just answered your own question.

Click to view the original image.


Devolution 0

Title:  The Great Replacement.  Frame One, captioned

Click to view the original image.


Freedom of Screech 0

David points out that “projection is the name of the game.”


Breakers on the Rocks 0

Frame One:  Tech Bro aims a hammer at a piggy bank labeled

Via Juanita Jean.


Woke to the Misdirection Play 0

In an article about the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Jamelle Bouie gets to the gist of the “woke” misdirection play (emphasis added).

. . . there is no evidence that any diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives were responsible for the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. It is nonsense. And while it shouldn’t be taken seriously on its own terms, this deflection is worth noting for what it represents: the relentless effort to mystify real questions of political economy in favor of endless culture war conflict.

Follow the link to the article, where Boule delves into what really happened at SVB.


Speeding to Crazytown on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

Sam and Emma talk with Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer about how conspiracy theories, from Jade Helm to Pizzagate to QAnon, have taken hold with more and more Republicans.


The White-Washing 0

Why am I not surprised?

A Florida textbook publisher removed all references to race from a lesson about Rosa Parks, the Alabama civil rights hero, in an effort to get its books approved by a Florida committee, The New York Times reported Thursday.

. . . which is, natch, exactly what the New Secesh want: to pretend–and to teach the children–that the past never happened.

Full story at the link.



Quentin Crisp:

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.


A Tune for the Times 0

(Warning: Mild language.)


The Legacy 0

Man and womon looking at smoking train wreck labeled

Click to view the original image.


The New Gilded Age 0

Michael in Norfolk argues that today’s Republican Party is quite happy to see the return of–nay, to usher in–the New Gilded Age. Here’s a bit from his post (emphasis added):

I have an even bigger problem with politicians – i.e., Republicans – who want to slash the social safety net (as well as Social Security and Mediare) so they can fund ever larger tax breaks to the very wealthy. Indeed, it’s as if they want recreate the era of the robber barons of the Gilded Age . . . .

I cannot find a way with which to take issue with his remarks, he said convolutedly.

Also, too.


Riding with a Racist 0

New York Daily News columnist Leonard Greene tells the story of a bus ride with an unpleasant companion.

Just read it for yourself.

But, be forewarned, it’s a truly appalling tale.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

As every oxymoronic responsible gun owner knows, politeness takes practice.


In Translation 0

Finally! Someone has come up with a reasonable definition of the right-wing’s favorite new pejorative

Yastreblyansky offers a definition of “woke.”
