From Pine View Farm

March, 2023 archive

Stray Question 0

Does this description remind you of anyone in the news?



Edmund Crispin, in the voice of Gervase Fen:

You think it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. Only sooner or later, you know, they wake up on their own accord . . . .

Crispin, Edmund, “The Drowning of Edgar Foley,” Fen Country (London: Bloomsbury, 2013) p. 34


Recommended Listening 0

Bob Cesca’s interview with King Cyborg.

King Cyborg is a musician and a gay woman from Angola, who fled her native country because of the bigotry and persecution she faced there, only to arrive here in this “nation of immigrants” at a time when bigotry and hate-fullness seem on the rise.

I commend Bob’s and her discussion to your attention, as what she faced in her native country is what some in this nation, those whom Michael in Norfolk refers to as “Christofascists,” would like to see this country become.


The Future of Education 0

Title:  The Dorm.  Two college students walk into their dorm room.  One looks at the scene and says,

Click to view the original image.

We are doomed.


The Feral Beast 0

Caption:  Cocaine Bear.  Image:  Bear labeled

Click to view the original image and the artist’s commentary.


The Hunger Gamer 0

Minnesota Republican state Senator Steve Drazkowski explains why he opposes a bill to provide free breakfast and lunch to school children.

In related news, there are none so blind as those who refuse to look.

Video via C&L, which has commentary.


Today’s Republican Party is a vile and loathsome thing.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another random act of politeness.

We are a broken society.

Only a broken society would choose to live with carnage.


The Stormy Next Time 0

As Chris Williams explains at Above the Law, in Trump world, the truth isn’t.

It’s real spaghetti reasoning, so just follow the link for the untangling.


Twits on Twitter 0

Methinks said twits doth protest too much.


Republican Family Values Go to the Pharmacy 0

Pharmacist says to woman at counter, which bears a

Via Job’s Anger.



David Suchet:

A successful swindler has to be a great salesman even more than a great actor.


The Voter Fraud Fraudsters 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts reports on a voter fraud fraudster with the grift of grab.


Time Out of Time 0

David offers evidence that some Republicans may not understand calendars.


The Blind Eye 0

Jason330 wonders why so many Republicans seem willing to turn a blind eye to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Methinks his musings are worth a notice.

Read more »


A Fruitful Relationship 0

Florida Woman.


Bank Shots, Reprise 0

Caption:  Silicon Valley small government libertarian tech bro takes break to accept a federal bank rescue.  Image:  Man sitting on floor leaning against desk holding laptop thinks,

Click to view the original image.

And here’s a special bonus misdirection bank shot.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

And another child is exposed to politeness . . . .


An Empty Suit 0

As my mother would have said, the nerve of some people!



Valerie Harper, in the voice of Rhoda Morgenstern:

You know the best thing about going on a diet? Going off a diet.


Bank Shots 0
