From Pine View Farm

March, 2023 archive

Karen Karen-Like 0

Florida Woman.


The Exiles 0

Disney characters disembarking from airplane on Martha's Vineyard to member of the ground crew:  Governor DeSantis sent us.

Click to view the original image.


Misdirection Play, Responsible Fiscals Dept. 0

Sam and his crew look at the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank and at Republicans’ absolutely ridiculous contortions to somehow blame it on “wokeness,” while ignoring what really happened (including Donald Trump’s presiding over a gutting of Dodd-Frank).


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another child is sacrificed to the NRA’s leaden idol.

. . . authorities believe the 3-year-old got ahold of a loaded semi-automatic pistol and accidentally shot her 4-year-old sister.


The Money Trail 0

Rashmi Rangan and James Angus suggest that the IRS is doing a rather poor job of following the money. Here are a couple of bits from their article:

Each year the Internal Revenue Service hunts down a phantom sum — the difference between taxes paid and taxes owed. The IRS commissioner has testified that this debt could amount to over $1 trillion (or more) annually. The essence of this pursuit leaves us wondering — why would low-income tax filers bear the brunt of this crusade for cash, as they are audited by the IRS at five times the rate of all other tax filers?


The IRS follows a different strategy for the cash in the cabanas of the fortunate 700,000 club, those filers reporting total positive income of over $1,000,000. Last year for this group, about 687,000 rated nary a bother from the IRS. Apparently the use of multiple schedules for descriptions of enormous sums of money moving in myriad directions through various iterations triggers no corresponding curiosity on the part of the IRS. Too weedy, too slow, too complex.


Methinks this disparity may shed some light on the Republican Party’s fervent opposition to President Biden’s desire to fund the IRS at a reasonable level.


A. Because It Had Wealthy, Influential Investors Maybe? 0

Q. Why is the failure of Silicon Valley Bank getting so much news coverage more than the failure of all the banks that went under in the late 2010s.



Ma Jian:

When history is erased, people’s moral values are also erased.


The Way-Back Machinationist 0

Anthony Dixon argues that

DeSantis has chosen education as a tool to set this country back 100 years.

His reasoning is spot on (follow the link for details), but methinks his math is off.

A more accurate figure is 164 years.

Precisely 164 years.


Florida Man 0

No selfie awareness. No selfie awareness whatsoever.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Sam speaks with Suzanne Nossel about Florida Man’s thought police.


Richard Nixon’s southern strategy has come full circle and consumed the Republican Party. Florida Man’s antics are rooted in America’s original sin of chattel slavery and the ideology of racism that was fabricated to justify it.

If you can’t see that, you just aren’t looking.


Facebook Frolics 0

Facebook dances to the Boogaloo boogie.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Shop with politeness.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


Republican Family Values 0

Those “family values” Republicans seem to have plucked Grung-e-Gene’s last nerve.


Foxy Shady 0

Family walking in park.  Father, looking at his phone, says,

Via Balloon Juice.



Stanley Knowles:

One of the facts of history is that battles do not stay won. Those that matter have to be waged again and again.


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the YouTube page:

If Donald Trump could sing (or think in complete sentences) he would write a song. (A song the likes of which no one’s ever heard before, believe me.) Since Mangy Fetlocks has more intellectual capacity in his elbow than Trump has in his bloated orange head, AND since Mangy is a musical older guy with too much time on his hands, he decided to write a song for Trump to sing in prison.


Stormin’ Snowflakes 0

Badtux catches the drift.


The Crypto Con 0

Alex:  A lot of my friends are buying

Click to view the original image.


Calamity Jane Catastrophe David 0

Steve M. points reminds David Brooks (not that he’s paying attention or ever has, for that matter) that, when you point your finger at someone else, you have four fingers pointing back at you.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another child is injured in a random act of politeness.

Columbus police told 10TV that the boy was sleeping downstairs in a home on Evergreen Road when a family member accidentally fired a gunshot in the kitchen. The bullet went through the floor and stuck the boy.

We are a broken society.
