From Pine View Farm

March, 2023 archive

Misdirection Play 0

MAGA-hatted man says,

Via Juanita Jean.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Party with politeness.



Chester Barnard:

It is what we think we know that keeps us from learning.


And Now for a Change of Pace 0


The New Gilded Age 0

Jim Hightower sees a similarity between then and now.

While Norfolk’s boardroom elites have been pocketing record profits in recent years, they’ve used armies of lobbyists and multimillion-dollar political donations to kill safety protections that would prevent such a disastrous record. To cut costs and jack up profits, railroad bosses have rigged the rules to run trains that are absurdly long, go too fast, carry ever-heavier loads of undisclosed toxics in weak tanker cars, have no fire detectors, use outmoded braking systems — and have as few as one crew member on board. One!


“The Wreck of the Old 97” is a classic bluegrass song recounting a spectacular train crash in 1903, caused by the company’s demand that the engineer speed down a dangerous track to deliver cargo on time.

One hundred twenty years later we have the “Wreck of the Norfolk Southern” — a devastating crash caused by the corporate demand that it be allowed to run an ill-equipped, understaffed, largely unregulated, 1.7-mile train carrying flammable, cancer-causing toxics through communities, putting profit over people and public safety.


Twits Own Twitter 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Ronald Riggio argues forcefully that Elon Musk is something less than a role model for effective leadersip. Riggio makes three main points; follow the link for his discussion of each.

  • While Elon Musk has been a successful entrepreneur, his dictatorial behavior suggests that he is not a “good” leader.
  • Good leadership is about more than just success. Good leaders develop their followers, and treat them with respect and dignity.
  • Successful leaders who misbehave and hurt rather than help those whom they lead should not be role models of leadership.


As a corporate trainer for many years, I focused on teaching management, leadership, and communication skills.

When it comes to dealing with people, Musk checks all the boxes for the “don’ts.”


Precedented 0

The writer of a letter to the editor of the Las Vegas Sun sees a precedent for today’s Republican Party.

In the same vein, Miami Herald columnist Fabiola Santiago is fears that Florida Governot DeSantis’s Republican Party is moving towards one-party rule. Here’s a snippet from her article (emphasis added); follow the link for context.

After easily winning the gubernatorial election and obtaining a Republican supermajority in the Legislature that allows the party to act unimpeded, GOP chairman Chris Ziegler says he’ll take nothing less than eradicating the Democratic Party. His threat to give Democrats no seat at all at the table is very real.

Republicans are acting like the hemisphere’s evil regimes. They know it, but don’t care.


The False Prophet 0


The True Believers 0

Red-hatted man and woman watching Tucker Carlson claim that

Click to view the original image.


The Refugee 0

In the Tampa Bay Times, a Florida mother explains why the hate-full antics of Florida’s Governor DeSantis have convinced her to take her family and leave the state.



Georgia Lee:

People like to believe really crazy things.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

A court rules on the right to be rude.


The Historical White-Wash 0


It’s All about the Benjamins 0


Click to view the original image.


The White-Washing 0

Woman at podium says,

As one who trained as an historian, I have not the words to express the disgust I feel at Republicans’ desire to white-wash (I use that term advisedly) the reality of America’s history.

Image via Job’s Anger.


Macho, Macho Men 0

Thom hazards a hypothesis to account for the fawning fans of a failed fabulist.


Foxy Shady 0

True believers.


All the News that Fits, Foxy Shady Dept. 0

Michael in Norfolk discusses the bubbleliciousnes of right-wing news “coverage.” A snippet:

The right’s – and certainly Fox News’ goal – was to create an alternate reality for followers that insulated them from objective reality and the truth.



R. H. Tawney:

The certainties of one age are the problems of the next.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.
