From Pine View Farm

May, 2023 archive

This New Gilded Age 0

Conspicuous consumption.

You can’t make this stuff up.


Cancellation Nation 0

David explains how it’s right-wing snowflakes that are doing the cancelling in our culture.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Signs of the Secesh.


Fishing for a Misdirection Play 0

Red-hatted man in boat labeled

Via Juanita Jean.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another gun nut (thinks he is) taking the law into his own hands.

Yet another innocent sacrificed.

We are no longer a society.

We are a sociopathy.



Carroll Quigley:

The vested interests encourage the growth of imperialist wars and irrationality because both serve to divert the discontent of the masses away from their vested interests ( the uninvested surplus).


A Tune for the Times, Republican Family Values Dept. 0


The Disinformation Superhighway . . . 0

. . . leads straight to stupid town.

We are a broken society.


The Bully’s Pulpit, Reprise 0

Republican Elephant labled

Click for the original image.


Decoding de Code 0

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville speaks the quiet part out loud.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Brotherly politeness.

We are a broken society.

In related news, F. T. Rea offers a theory as to a contributor to the brokenness. I’m not sure I agree completely, but I think his piece is worth a read.


All the News that Gives Us Fits 0

Atrios suggests that it might be a good idea to avoid cable news.

I would go further. I avoid broadcast news altogether, except for certain local news websites, When broadcast news changed from being a loss leader to a profit center–when it begin to value “eyeballs” over accuracy, “engagement” over integrity–it went into–er–descent.


“One of These Days, Alice, Pow! to the Moon” 0

The title of this post was a frequent line in Jackie Gleason’s Honeymooners, which started as skits and then became a series.

At the Idaho State Journal, Gugino discusses the latest front in the right-wing’s desire to roll the clock back: abolishing “no fault” divorce so, once again, Alice can be sent to the moon, without any recourse.

Gugino starts by reminding us why “no fault” divorce came about:

In the bad old days, women could be smacked around, cheated on and abused in other ways and still not get divorced. In other words, they would be trapped in bad marriages with little recourse. In the bad old days, they would have to prove in court abuse, infidelity, abandonment or other misconduct before getting a divorce. As a former attorney, I can tell you that proving any of that would be costly and time consuming, especially during a time when the average American woman did not have a lot of earning power. Couple that with the fact that juries tended to be dominated by men, and you had a situation where married domestic abuse victims went to trial with the deck stacked against them.

Follow the link for the rest.



Mary Tyler Moore, as Mary Richards:

If you can’t fight with your family, who can you fight with?


The Bully’s Pulpit 0

Man looking at laptop says,

Click for the original image.

Jim Wright has more.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Nothing spices up the evening commute like a random act of politeness.


Death Trapped 0

Thom discusses the lethal effects of TRAP laws:


Republican Family Values 0

Heavily armed GOP Elephant says,

Click to view the original image.


Extra-Special Bonus QOTD 0

Lewis Carroll, in the voice of Humpty Dumpty:

When I use a word . . . it means just what I choose it to mean.

He spoke truth. For example.


The Rejection 0

Donald Trump looks at a statue of Lady Justice and says,

Via Job’s Anger.
