From Pine View Farm

June, 2023 archive

If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Donald Trump stands over a dead body holding a smoking gun on Fifth Avenue, as Hunter Biden crosses the street without a crosswalk.  MAGA-shirted man points towards Biden, saying,

Click for the original image.


This New Gilded Age 0

Ad revenue has long been the primary source of income for newspapers, news magazines, and other news outlets. Now that the majority of persons report getting their news online (and, as an aside, far too much of it from “social” media, but I digress), that stream in drying up.

In the Wilmington News-Journal (and, I suspect, in other Gannett publications), Mike Reed, Chairman and CEO of Gannett, explains why Gannett has chosen to join other news outlets in suing Google for its stranglehold on domineering control of online ad revenue.

It’s a complex issue, so I’ll not try to excerpt or summarize his piece, just recommend that you give it a read.


The Climates They Are a-Changing . . . 0

. . . and threats from climate-change deniers drove this TV meteorologist to leave has job. Here’s a bit frome the story in the Des Moines Register:

“18 years. 7 stations. 5 states. I am bidding farewell to TV to embark on a new journey dedicated to helping solve the climate crisis,” Gloninger said in the statement. “After a death threat stemming from my climate coverage last year and resulting PTSD, in addition to family health issues, I’ve decided to begin this journey now.”



Norman Lamm:

Mutual commitment to ideals — yes; the stifling of all dissenting notions — no.


An Accidental Truth 0


The Florida Man(ifestation) 0

It’s always a bit disconcerting when a stereotype comes to life.


Strollin’ in the Park One Day,
Spreading Hate Along the Way

Our domestic terrorists strike again. Here’s the lede from the report:

Authorities in Passaic County are investigating an incident where seven swastikas were painted around a park in Clifton. That park is sandwiched between two Jewish schools.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

. . . and another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” feels compelled to show politeness to a fellow motorist.

We are a broken society.


Prime Targets 0

At Above the Law, Chris Williams takes a voyage into the Amazon jungle.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

If you’re disabled, Texas Governor Abbot doesn’t want to make it any easier for you to vote.

Gov. Greg Abbott on Saturday vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have expanded vote-by-mail access for people with disabilities — specifically people who are blind or paralyzed and need assistance marking their ballot.

More at the link.


The Bullies’ Pulpit 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Mark Travers discusses a study about why some persons turn into cyberbullies. The findings were not expected. An excerpt:

However, contrary to previous research linking cyberbullying to factors such as low self-esteem, the perceived anonymity of the online world, anger, and a desire for revenge, Soares’s study involving 359 Canadian young adults revealed distinct motivations for cyberbullying — primarily driven by what researchers have termed ‘recreation’ and ‘reward.’

“Recreation pertains to impulsive antisocial acts, whereas reward relates to more calculated and premeditated acts that may evolve over time,” said Soares. “Young individuals who partake in antisocial behavior online may be driven by a desire for excitement and the pursuit of positive emotions or social status among their peers.”



Paul Watford:

I do not believe there are any circumstances in which a judge should consider his or her own values or policy preferences in determining what the law means.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0


Misdirection Play 0

Michael in Norfolk looks inside the Trojan Horse of “parents’ rights.” Here’s a bit of his piece:

The mantra of racist and anti-LGBT legislators as they seek to ban books and erase history they don’t like and LGBT students in general is that they are protecting “parental rights.” However, the real agenda is to please knuckle dragging evangelicals and Christofascists who want to sanitize history of the rampant racism that defined the Jim Crow era and want to send LGBT individuals back into the shadows . . . .


Dis Coarse Discourse, Both Sides Don’t Dept. 0

Title:  Bipartisan Reflections.  Image:  TV host:  Welcome to Punditspew!  With me is Democratic strategist Dan Doormat and Chairman of the Power Patriots for Fiery National Cleansing, Mr. Perkins.  Dan Doormat:  Hello.  Mr. Perkins (with fire coming out of his mouth:  Die!  Host:  Gentlemen, what are your thoughts on the Trump indictment?  Dan Doormat:  Well, it's the least that----.  Mr. Perkins (with fire coming out of his mouth:  Biden is a wannabe dictator crushing our children under his big gat Communist jackboots.  Buckle up!  It's a war on the Republic!  Know your bridges!  An eye for an eye!  Mr. Perkins:  Um-----.   Host:  Some say that Biden should pardon him as a healing gesture.  Dan Doormat:  I think enforcing the law is the best-----.  Mr. Perkins (with fire coming out of his mouth:  We shall vanquish their bepronouned storm troopers and install our righteous king!

Click for the original image.


Misty Water-Colored Memories 0

Title:  The Greatest Generation.  Image:  Four old men and women.  Old man says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Vaccine Nation 0

Dr. Peter Hotex is harassed in Houston for having the unmitigated gall to believe in proven fact.

I tell you, the stupid-larity is upon us.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Children should be polite to parents.

A pregnant woman was shot and killed by a 2-year-old at a home in Norwalk Friday, according to an investigation report provided by Norwalk Police.

Just another day in NRA Paradise.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

People worry about the “singularity.

They should be worrying about the stupid-larity.



Bob Newhart, in the voice of Robert Hartley:

There is a differnce between little white lies and science fiction.
