From Pine View Farm

June, 2023 archive

Who Knew that Hate Could Have a Pricetag? 0

The back story.


One Think Is Not Like the Other Thing 0

Two witches riding their brooms through the air.  One says,

Click for the original image.


The Rule of Flaw 0

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Will Bunch minces no works in sharing his theory as to why Donald Trump’s dupes, symps, and fellow travelers are rallying so fiercely to Trump’s defense. A snippet; follow the link for his reasoning.

Simply put, Trump and his people believe the laws exist to rein in people who don’t look like them — whether it’s Philadelphia’s William Johnson and the hundreds of thousands of faceless Black and brown Americans trapped in our national gulag, or desperate refugees at the border. That is exactly what Trump, DeSantis, and all the Republicans out on the campaign trail are talking about when they prattle on about “freedom” — the freedom to dominate other people.

The indictment of Donald Trump is the most powerful symbol imaginable that for some people — but especially the white conservative dudes who love him the most — their obscene notion of freedom might no longer apply.


No Place To Hide 0

At the Washington Monthly, Karina Montoya has a long and detailed article about how advertising strategy is changing once again. In the past decade, advertising moved to “social” media, with a disturbing side effect of eroding the business models of legitimate news organizations. Now, she argues, retailers are marketing personal information gathered through loyalty programs, credit card purchases, and the like to advertisers. The entire piece is worth a read, but this particular bit caught my eye:

Recently, I got curious about what CVS might know about me through my participation in its ExtraCare loyalty program. After accessing the CVS website, I requested the records it had about me. CVS—a conglomerate whose mergers and acquisitions include Aetna insurance, Caremark, and physician practices like Oak Street Health—knows a lot about me. In addition to my shopping history of the last 12 months, CVS knows my ethnicity, country of origin, household location, income level, types of credit cards, homeowner status, and interest in weight loss, vitamins, and natural foods. And there are little or no regulatory barriers to CVS using this data to sell me stuff or letting others use it to target me with ads.

Corporations, not the government, are your “surveillance state.” And we walk nekkid through its streets every day.



Louis Kronenberger:

One of the misfortunes of our time is that in getting rid of false shame we have killed off so much real shame as well.


A Tune for the Times 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

I don’t watch awards shows, but, I must say, I almost wish I had made an exception so I could have seen this.

Read more »


A Picture Is Worth 0

Title:  Gollum.  Image:  In a cave, Donald Trump crouches surrounded by top secret papers, clutching some of them to his breast while saying,

The Rude One has commentary (Warning: Language).

Image via Job’s Anger.


Foxy Shady, “Woke Mind Virus” Dept. 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another child is sacrificed at the feet of the NRA’s leaden idol.

We are a broken society.


The Prophesy 0

Isaac Bailey reminds us that Donald Trump once said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” He parses that statement and concludes that Trump was right. A bit from his article:

It means Trump believes the people who support him are unethical in the extreme.

It means Trump believes most Republicans are immoral or amoral at best, people who only care about the power they can attain or retain. There’s just no getting around that conclusion. Every time he gets indicted, it becomes truer.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


It’s All about the Algorithm 0

Said algorithm engages those eyeballs and sucks them right down into a vortex of vile.

“Social” media isn’t.



Alfred Adler:

It is always easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.


A Tune for the Times 0


Misdirection Play, Child Prey Dept. 0

At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal parses the perfidy. Here’s a tiny bit from her article:

As Cardi B once wisely put it in a song, “hating didn’t work, so they lied.” The vicious, persistent minority of right-wingers who don’t think LGBTQ people should live freely and openly in the United States of America realized they couldn’t just say their goals and beliefs straight out. So they lied, and made it about children.


The Christofascists will not stop at banning health care for transgender children. They are coming for adult care – they’ve said so.


The “Con” in “Conservative” 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, James Unnever makes a compelling case that Lyndon Johnson was right.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another child . . . .

And yet another reminder that “accidental” and “negligent” are not synonyms.


The Open Door Policy 0

St. Peter stands before the entrance to Heaven, which is decorated with a giant rainbow, as Pat Robertson flees in panic.

Click for the original image.


Twits Own Twitter . . . 0

. . . but, at the Las Vegas Sun, Gustavo Arellano offers a ray of hope for twits who are still on Twitter. He prescribed a “Twitter fast” for himself:

When I privately told my friends about my Twitter fast, they thought I was so addicted that I would buckle within hours and log back on. Shows how much they know me! There was no drama, no painful withdrawal like Ewan McGregor in “Trainspotting.” But, like all addicts, I achieved a moment of clarity:

The break made me realize how inconsequential Twitter ultimately is.

Read his full confessional at the link.


Disparate Treatment 0

Michael in Norfolk points out that, despite the caterwauling of the GOP, Donald Trump was, indeed, handled with kid gloves. Here’s a bit of his post (emphasis added):

The only truth in their (Republicans–ed.) lies as they prostitute themselves to Trump and the MAGA base is that Trump did receive special treatment – The FBI and DOJ bent over backwards in the deference they gave him until they had no other choice but to bring the indictment.
