Geeking Out 0
One of my computers died of old age (stuff wears out), so I now have a new toy. It’s my third ThinkPenguin, and they fulfilled my order in a most timely fashion.
It is a very nice piece of hardware, thank you very much. As an aside, I am not a fan of touchpads, but it does have one of most functional touchpads I’ve yet encountered.
I ordered it specifying Ubuntu MATE as the installed distro (ThinkPenguin lets you pick your distro, within reason), but, as I’m not really a big fan of the MATE desktop environment (actually, that’s not quite correct–I really like Plasma, but I don’t like Kubuntu, primarily because I loathe their package manager, so I went with Ubuntu MATE because the guys at Going Linux recommend it and I’ve used it before and it works quite nicely), I’ve already installed the Plasma desktop and am in the process of tweaking it to my preferences.
Eventually, natch, I’ll put Fluxbox on it, because Fluxbox is the ultimate combination of light-weight, configurable, and eye-candiability.
Of course, after I’ve installed Fluxbos, I will still be able to use MATE or Plasma. With Linux, you can have multiple GUIs installed and switch among them as you wish, something you can’t do with Windows or iJunk.