From Pine View Farm

September, 2023 archive

How Stuff Works, Trickle-On Economics Dept. 0

Homeless man sleeping on park bench covered by newspapers with headlines,

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, an oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” exposes a child to politeness.

We are a society of stupid.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

Snopes unpacks (yet another) lie about vaccines.

In related news, self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk is making noises about suing the Anti-Defamation League for ” (wait for it) exercising free speech.

And we have another example that “social” media isn’t.


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

Michael in Norfolk points out that history matters.



Stephen Fry:

If I had a large amount of money I should certainly found a hospital for those whose grip upon the world is so tenuous that they can be severely offended by words and phrases and yet remain all unoffended by the injustice, violence and oppression that howls daily about our ears.


Recommended Viewing 0

Monarch of the Glen. It starts off kind of slow, but rapidly becomes an absolute hoot.

It’s currently available on tubi and possibly other streaming services.


Real Big Men 0


Candy Crush 0

Florida Man.


Next thing you know, he’ll be running for governor.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Party with politeness.

We are a broken society.


The Fee Hand of the Market 0

Woman to pharmacist:  What's the most common side effect of this drug.  Pharmacist:  Bankruptcy.

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy” has come full circle.

Group men wearing white robes and hoods labeled

Click to view the original image.

The Republican Party has become the party of the Secesh.


It’s All about the Algorithm 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Mitch Abblett explores the seductive power of the algorithm, as it trains us to keep looking at “social” media feeds for the next little thrill. He calls it “nexting.”

Here’s a tiny bit, in which he explains how dopamine turns us into dopes:

Research, such as that reviewed by Taber et al. (2012), has delved into the neural underpinnings of this behavior. The research suggests that the environment cues up anticipation of rewards (through some sensory signal like a smell, an ad, a notice on our phones, even a single word choice) and this activates the brain’s dopamine system, fostering a cycle of habit formation because of the reward this chemical release provides. This neurochemical response explains why “nexting” can become “addictive,” as the brain associates the mental (“I want that” or “If I could just…”) or emotional (i.e., felt urges) or behavioral (e.g., adding unneeded items into your Amazon cart) acts of anticipating with a pleasurable reward.

Follow the link for some suggestions as to how to reclaim your life from the algorithm.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Why am I not surprised?



Alison Golden, in the voice of Inspector Graham as he takes notes with a pencil and notepad instead of a tablet:

It was easy to appear a dinosaur these days if you hadn’t handed over the running of your life–and the basic duties of your profession–to a couple of gadgets.

Golden, Alison, The Case of the Screaming Beauty, in The Inspector Graham
Mysteries Books 1-4
(San Carlos, CA: Mesa Verde Publishing) p.46.


A Tune for the Times, Disinformation Superhighway Dept. 0


Inculcating Ignorance 0

The editorial board of the Las Vegas Sun takes a look at Republicans’ campaign to erase America’s history from America’s schools. Here’s the lede:

There is a war being waged across the country by conservatives seeking to rewrite history, distort fact and eliminate free and independent thought. The GOP’s agenda represents a shocking and nearly unprecedented attempt to use the state to control the lives of Americans and what they can say, think and do.

Follow the link for the evidence.


“As the Twig Is Bent . . . .” 0

And, boy, this is one bent twig.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

And, once again, we see that “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


Facebook Frolics 0

Establishmentarian frolics.


Vaccine Nation 0

The stupid. It metastasizes.

Researchers found that 30 percent of the 2,200 dog owners surveyed believed that canine vaccines were medically unnecessary and more than 20 percent believed that they were ineffective. Nearly 40 percent believed dog vaccinations to be unsafe, with 37 percent expressing the belief that some vaccines could even cause “canine autism”, despite no scientific evidence for vaccines causing this in dogs or humans.

Details of the delusional at the link.
