From Pine View Farm

September, 2023 archive

Establishmentarians 0

At The Kansas City Star, a retired Army officer and self-described “life-long Republican” explains why he has become disenchanted with today’s Republican Party. Here’s the gist; follow the link for the bill of particulars.

The Christian right’s influence on the GOP continues to grow. As a result, the party has lost its way. It no longer applies the concept of less government regulation of social life. Instead, the GOP increasingly gives the Christian right a path of manically forcing its values on Americans through public policy and laws.

(Broken link fixed.)


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

Mark Meadows is dressed as a Nazi brownshirt with red armbands bearing the letter

Via Job’s Anger.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

A repeat offender.


Devolution 0

Or you can read the transcript.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Will Bunch argues forcefully that the press coverage of the “race” for the Republican presidential nomination is missing–or willfully ignoring–what’s really at stake. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

It was a remarkable night of imagery over substance, yet there was little discussion of why this accused felon (you know who–ed.) was getting a phalanx of dozens of motorcycle cops, comprising police who are drawn to Trump’s authoritarian bluster like moths to the light. Trump’s glowering mug shot instantly became the most talked about picture in American history — yet not one pundit was able to explain why tens of millions of everyday voters are so eager to return to the White House this man who attempted a coup on Jan. 6, 2021, or why his poll numbers rise with each indictment. I guess the 20th-century author and socialist Upton Sinclair really nailed it when he wrote, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”


Facebook Frolics 0

Gadzooks! The gullibility!



Alastair Mackenzie, in the voice of Archie MacDonald, and Alexander Morton, in the voice of Golly Mackenzie:

Golly: I’m as cynical as the next man, but best to keep an open mind where the other world i concerned.

Archie: If it exists, I hope is makes more sense than this one.
