From Pine View Farm

September, 2023 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

There’s something almost poetic about this politeness.


Battle of the Tech Bros 0

Psychologist Mike Travers suggests that the pending (potential? possible? preposterous?) cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg “is a snapshot of our culture.”


If he’s correct, we’re in far worst shape than I feared.



Richard Briers, in the voice of Hector MacDonald, as he pours a drink:

This is a problem that requires two minds and a single malt.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


Indictment Excitement 0

PoliticProf finds himself unswayed.


Lethal Legacy 0

Emma talks with historian Matthew Dallek about how the legacy of the John Birch Society lives on in today’s Republican Party.


Pathological Projection 0

Kevin McCarthy says,

Via Balloon Juice.


Class Consciousness 0

At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal argues that have forgotten what the phrase, “working class,” means. Here’s one example she cites (emphasis added):

I was thinking about class drag, and class in general, because of Rep. Jared Golden. After I wrote a column about his out-of-character Twitter student loan forgiveness rant, Golden published a post to the online platform Substack, saying, “Recently, a political opinion writer described me as living in the cocoon of my present work in politics and my past service in the military and, therefore, out of step with the working class. This fragment of my work history ignores the fact that I spent many years working at the business that belongs to my mother, and before her, to her father.”


But more important is Rep. Golden’s second sentence, implying that having worked for his family business puts him more in step with the working class. Here’s the important thing to remember: Working a job does not make you working-class. We’re talking about a multigenerational family business (a golf course, specifically) here. The profit that business generates goes to the family that owns the business. The owners dole out part of those profits to their employees in the form of salaries or wages. Those employees who do the labor are the working class. Not the owners.

Methinks the entire piece is worthy of your attention.


The Squeaker of the House 0

Kevin McCarthy says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

. . . and another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” waves at another driver with politeness.



Ludwig Wittgenstein:

Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself.


Recommended Listening 0

Bad Voltage, S03E61.

It gave me a laugh on my drive to this month’s DL.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Both Sides Don’t 0

Dick Polman finds news reporting that somehow pretends that we are in a time of politics as usual. A snippet (emphasis added):

This past weekend, the Washington Post devoted major coverage to a Both Sides study conducted by some political scientists who’ve concluded that “today’s Republican and Democratic parties have evolved to a place where they emphasize difference, stoke fear and animosity, and incite conflict,” and that both parties “have gotten us to the highly undesirable and dangerous place in which we currently reside.” Why the Post would highlight such a finding is a mystery to me, given the incontrovertible fact that one party still believes in democracy and the other party is a personality cult bent on destroying democracy, led by a criminal defendant charged with 91 felonies.


Republican Family Values 0

Michael in Norfolk


Misdirection Play, Still Rising Again Dept. 0

At the Bangor Daily News, Scott Cuddy expresses his dismay at plan by a neo-Nazi group to establish, well, a traning facility in Maine. He notes that he is gratified that many Mainers are expressing their disapproval of this and is displeased that others are not.

What led to this post, though, is that I want to point out a misdirection play–quite a common misdirection play, actually–that Cuddy mentions, almost in passing, in the course of his discussion (emphasis added):

I’m also glad that some of the loudest voices pushing back against this hate are people who look like those spreading it. White men like me cannot leave it to those being persecuted to defend themselves. I’m reminded of the great quote from Martin Niemöller, “First they came for . . . .”

Unfortunately, some influential conservatives have sought not only to downplay and dismiss these racist groups, but are actually trying to deflect from the issue by claiming that the real problem is anti-white racism.

Follow the link for context.


The Noise Polluter 0

Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A slice of politeness.

A Tennessee man has pleaded guilty to pointing an AK-47 rifle at Little Caesars employees because his $6 pepperoni pizza was taking too long to cook, records show.

The story mentions that he’s almost as old as I am. You’d think he’d know better than to start swinging his portable phallus about in a pizza joint.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid,
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you, brother,
You won’t find one without the other.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Peter Kvam posits that “(d)ogs excel at many tasks where AI fails . . . .”

Follow the link for his reasoning.



Gerardus Mercator:

When I saw that Moses’ version of the Genesis of the world did not fit sufficiently in many ways with Aristotle and the rest of the philosophers, I began to have doubts about the truth of all philosophers and started to investigate the secrets of nature.
