November, 2023 archive
“Reverse Robin Hood” 0
Michael in Norfolk explains why the Koch network has decided to support Nikki Haley. A snippet:
This New Gilded Age 0
At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Gene Collier forcefully argues that what lies behind many price increases is not, as Republicans would have you think, inflation, but, rather, greedflation. Here’s a bit from his article:
Such price-tampering methods included exporting eggs to reduce the domestic supply and limiting the number of chickens through various means including artificially limiting cage space, flock reduction, and “early slaughter.”
The result of all that, you’ll doubtless recall, was ridiculously high egg prices Republicans blamed on Joe Biden, the old chicken farmer. More pointedly, it validated what some economists had taken to calling greedflation.
His whole piece is worth your while.
This is the result of not enforcing anti-trust laws, of thinking that trusts can be trusted.
The first Gilded Age taught us that they could not, and we chose to forget that lesson.
And Round and Round They Go . . . . 0
Try as I might, I am having difficulty finding significant weaknesses in my old friend Noz’s observations about what’s going on in Gaza.
Nit-Picking Hairsplitting Double-Talking Out of Both Sides of His Mouth 0
As far as I can see, this is a distinction without a difference; follow the link for more (emphasis added).
Why would the former president emphasize such a thing? That’s because Section 3 of the amendment disqualifies insurrectionists who have “previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution.” Thus, the argument goes in his Colorado Supreme Court appeal, he’s eligible for the presidency again in 2024 because he swore to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution, not support it.
Both Sides Don’t 0
Barry Friedman argues that the “partisan divide” is not the greatest danger to American democracy.
Rather, he suggests that it’s those who don’t divide the partisans. A nugget:
Follow the link for his reasoning.
If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0
Looking at recent shenanigans involving the North Carolina state supreme court, UNC law professor Gene Nichol suggests that they embody a simple principle:
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
AP reporter David Bauder reports on a case of AI biting the hand that fed it. It’s certainly not the first and, chillingly, will not be last such story, as persons seem quite willing to confuse algorithms and speedy automated pattern recognition with thought.
I shall not demean it with excerpt or summary. Just go read it.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Show politeness at family gatherings.
Republican Thought Police 0
The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts cuts to the quick:
Follow the link for her evidence.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” tries to fly the fiendly skies.