From Pine View Farm

April, 2024 archive

All the News that Fits 0

Russian impulses.


A Total Eclipse of the Sane 0

Caption:  Total(itarian Eclipse).  Image:  Donald Trump's profile casting a shadow over Aamerican.

Click to view the original image.


Nor Any Drop To Drink 0

More mean for the sake of mean.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

At, Jim Beckerman asks how dis discourse became dis coarse. Here’s how he starts his article:

Who got it right?

“It” being: everything. Our current mess. The low information, disinformation, gullibility and hysteria that are breaking out like measles during Election 2024. Who was the prophet — if only we had listened! — who warned us it was all coming? And begged us to do something before it was too late?

George Orwell, with his doublethink and his thought police? Richard Hofstadter, who warned us about The Paranoid Style in American Politics? Maybe.

But there’s another thinker, less well known, who may have nailed it better than either.

Follow the link to learn who, in Beckerman’s opinion, correctly foresaw the current state of dis coarse discourse and his reasons for reaching that opinion.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind. A snippet:

A Mundelein-area teen who initially claimed to be the victim of a drive-by shooting actually shot himself in the leg by accident, authorities said Sunday.

According to the Lake County sheriff’s office, deputies were called to West Rose Avenue near Mundelein at approximately 2:50 p.m. Saturday for a report of a 17-year-old with a gunshot wound to his left leg.

The teen at first told deputies he was standing outside with two friends when a vehicle approached and someone inside the car shot at them.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid,
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you, brother,
You won’t find one without the other.



Blake Edwards:

It’s been my experience that every time I think I know where it’s at, it’s usually somewhere else.


Geek Stuff 0

Mageia v. 9 with the Fluxbox window manager. The wallpaper is from my collection.



A Tune for the Times 0

Warning: Mild language.


Megaphones on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

Steve M argues that a strong factor for the spread of mis- and disinformation is not necessarily the often anonymous liars who make it up, but rather well-know persons provide megaphones. A snippet:

Those of us who go back to the early days of blogging remember that the wannabe gatekeepers have blamed anonymity for the spread of dangerous material for a couple of decades now. But if that’s the case, why does the problem seem worse now? Because large corporations run by people whose names we know either tolerate bad content or, in Elon Musk’s case, eagerly draw attention to it.

But we’ve known for years that disinformation spreads most rapidly when high-profile people spread it. Thirty years ago, false rumors about Bill Clinton were spread widely in a video called The Clinton Chronicles, which featured an appearance by Reverend Jerry Falwell, who was a hosehold name at the time; Falwell also promoted the video. In 2004, the false attacks on John Kerry’s service record in Vietnam were made openly by named right-wing operatives. And the most famous promoter of many right-wing lies — that Barack Obama wasn’t born in America, that the 2020 presidential election was rigged — was Trump, who is very much not an anonymous figure.

I commend the entire article to your attention.


The Crypto Con 0

Yes, indeedy-do, it seems that there’s an app for that.


All the News that Fits 0

High school principal to parents,

Via Job’s Anger.


Self-Made Men Lucky Ducks 0

Sam talks with Professor Ingrid Robeyns about the tendency of persons to attribute to virtue or divine favor that which is actually the result of pure dumb luck.


Real Big Men in Their Real Big Pick-ups . . . 0

. . . are still rising again after all these years.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, a “responsible gun owner” allows his politeness to become child’s play.

And he was not the only “responsible gun owner” to allow a child to discharge his responsibility.

We are a society of stupid.



Immanuel Kant:

It is not necessary that whilst I live I live happily; but it is necessary that so long as I live I should live honourably.


Devolution 0

Title:  The Axis of Evil.  Frame One, captioned


False Equivalence 0

Chris Quinn, editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, points out that both sides don’t.


Republican Thought Police 0

Heaven forbic that students be exposed to knowledge.


Vaccine Nation 0

Writing at the Tampa Bay Times, pediatrician Shetal Shah find the recent uptick in the number of measles cases in the U. S. to be quite alarming. Here’s a bit of his piece:

Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines, measles outbreaks have reemerged in various parts of the country, magnified by factors such as misinformation, complacency and pockets of under-vaccinated populations. Though public health and immunology are sciences rigorously taught in medical school, politicians have replaced professors, fueling public vaccine hesitancy for political gain. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found the percentage of Republicans who believe they should decide if their children are vaccinated — even if failing to do so harms other children — more than doubled to 44% in the last five years.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

Shining sun labeled

Click for the original image.
