April, 2024 archive
Twits Own Twitter X Offenders
Above the Law reports that Elon Musk seems ill-deposed.
The Lake Effect 0
The lake turns out to be an empty well.
The Establishmentarian 0
At the Des Moines Register, Rekha Basu decodes de code. A snippet (emphasis added):
The law allows people to cite their religious beliefs to discriminate against others, even in nonsecular, civil society.
Follow the link for her reasoning.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Sam and the crew skewer racists’ claims that somehow racists are discriminated against because they are called out for being racist.
I remember when my father, who grew up under Jim Crow, as did I, said to me late in his life, “I’m glad those days are gone.”
Well, those days–or, more properly, the hatred and bigotry and greed and exploitation (read “theft of labor”) that created them–are not gone, though they may have been slightly in eclipse.
Over half a century ago, Richard Nixon’s odious “Southern Strategy” invited racists to join his political party. Now that “Southern Strategy” has come full circle and consumed Nixon’s party, so that today we have a political party dedicated to bringing back Jim Crow.
Republican Thought Police 0
Say the New Secesh, “What they don’t know can’t hurt us.”
Patriot Games 0
Methinks my old Philly DL friend Noz asks a pertinent question.
“An Armed Society” Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another “responsible gun owner” demonstrates why said phrase is an oxymoron.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
And Now for a Change of Pace 0
I’ve long been a Mancini fan. This has been in my head since I stumbled over Peter Gunn on Tubi last night.
Reverse Midas 0
Real estate genius, indeed.
It would follow the slew of buildings in New York City and elsewhere that have abandoned the Trump name since he entered politics, as Trump has become a divisive, much-loathed figure by liberals even as he is loved by his fans.
In February the New York Times reported that after Trump became president the value of apartments in buildings bearing his name had underperformed market value. Buildings which had stripped the Trump name had seen their value shoot back up.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
The miles just seem to disappear>