May, 2024 archive
True Believers 0
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Adriana E. Ramírez offers a theory as to why Donald Trump and his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers refuse to accept reality, specifically that he lost the 2020 election fair and square. Here’s a bit:
Follow the link for the context of her conclusion..
Fiction Comes Alive 0
And you thought that the Keystone Kops were just something from old movies that your grandparents watched on black and white telly visions.
First, There Was Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal.
Next, There Was Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Now, There Is Donald Trump’s Raw Deal.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness again becomes child’s play.
Police say that the juvenile who shot the baby had an “unsecured firearm” and that the shooting was an accident, though they are still investigating the circumstances.
And, once again, “negligence” is misplet a-c-c-i-d-e-n-t.
(Broken link fixed. The story has been update to state the child’s age as one year, rather than seven months.)
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
And the sea levels, they are a-rising.
“But It’s the Only Possible Explanation” 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, homas R. Verny takes a long look at the characteristics that make some persons more susceptible that to conspiracy theories. He makes three main points:
- Conspiracy claims are lies disguised as truths.
- Conspiracy theories impute highly antisocial and cynical motives to other individuals.
- Conspiracists can’t tolerate ambiguity, dissent, or criticism.
Follow the link for a detailed discussion of each.
Chaos Agents, a Notion of Immigrants Dept. 0
At the Arizona Republic, Eddie Jones, an architect who designs border entry facilities and spends much time at around the U.S-Mexican border, argues forcefully that, despite the claims of right-wing politicians, there is no crisis at that border. Here are a couple of snippets from his article; follow the link for evidence and examples.
One thing, however, is for sure: If we continue to make the border a security hot potato, ignoring the humanitarian reality and failing to upgrade our immigration system, we will continue electing people who feign outrage and perpetuate border confusion for their own self-interest.
Ingrid Bergman, in the voice of Stephanie Dickinson:
Whenever people hurt your feelings, they’ve always done it for your own good.
The Patriot Gamer 0
As a Memorial Day memory, Dick Polman offers a quick review of occasions at which Donald Trump showed his (dis)respect for American service members.
Dead Lobster 0
I blame the Chicago School and the notion it birthed that the first duty of a company is to provide returns to shareholders.
Republican Thought Police 0
At graduation, a female graduate attempts to present a copy of The Handmaid’s Tale to her school superintendent after it was banned from the library:
Via C&L, which more detail.