May, 2024 archive
Lies and Lying Liars 0
Thom debunks the latest right-wing nutbag conspiracy theory, the one that the FBI intended to kill Donald Trump when they raided Mar-a-Lago. Here’s a quote from his comments:
This is all over Fox News. It is all over right-wing hate radio. Lies are like air to them. They just live and breathe lies.
Underlying and powering this is America’s original sin of chattel slavery and the doctrine of racism that was fabricated to justify it.
America’s original sin continues to exact its toll.
It’s Bubblelicious 0
In a much longer article about Harrison Butker’s misogynistic graduation address at Benedictine College, Joe Kort makes an important point about the dangers of “social” media algorithm.
He goes on to explain why it’s important to look beyond the bubble. Follow the link for the entire article.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another random act of politeness . . . .
Police do not believe the boy or his mom were targeted.
“We think this possibly could have been the child was caught in the crossfire,” Fitzgerald said.
And it’s just another day in the NRA’s Paradise of Politeness.
The Comedy Crisis 0
After taking a phone call, Sam and the crew point out that Jerry Seinfeld somehow didn’t get what Norman Lear was all about.
As an aside, I support when I can in my small way the organization that Norman Lear founded.
I can’t help but wonder, does Seinfeld miss blackface?
Because his comments would sure seem to lead to that conclus–oh, never mind.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
Just when you think they can’t get any fiendlier, they go ane prove you wrong.
Misdirection Play, Gazing at Gaza Dept. 0
At, Todd Clear, a criminologist and a Distinguished Professor at Rutgers Law School and School of Criminal Justice who also happens to be Jewish, identifies a misdirection play.
He makes a strong case that opposing Israel’s tactics in Gaza and being antisemitic are not the same thing (a case that a Rabbi of my acquaintance also recently made in my hearing). Here’s a bit of his article:
Second, and even more troubling, is the conflation of anti-Israel sentiment with anti-Jewish sentiment – which is itself antisemitic. In truth, Jews have never been of one mind on the matter of Zionism. While many see Israel as the best hope for autonomous Jewish life, others disagree.
Methinks his article is well-deserving of your attention.
I concede that the situation in Gaza is, well, complicated. What Hamas did to trigger it was detestable, and Israel certainly has a right to defend itself. It’s a messy and murky situation, which is one reason why I have posted about it so infrequently. After all, I am no maven; I’m just a third-tier blogger shooting off his mouth over the inner webs.
Nevertheless, I wonder whether, in this case, the line between “defense” and “offense” has become–er–blurred.