It’s All about the Algorithm 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Jessica Koehler explores a number of ways in which “social” media isn’t. Here’s one of those ways (emphasis in the original):
Echo Chambers Leading to Confirmation Bias
Algorithms often create echo chambers by displaying content that aligns with users’ existing beliefs. This phenomenon reinforces negative thought patterns and contributes to polarized thinking. A report from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences emphasized that social media plays a significant role in creating these echo chambers. The resulting increased isolation and misunderstandings in social contexts can be profound. Similarly, a report by the Guardian highlighted how algorithms on platforms like Facebook and Twitter exacerbate these echo chambers, intensifying political and social divides. This limited exposure to diverse perspectives leads to a narrower and more biased worldview.
Follow the link for more ways in which “social” media isn’t and for Koehler’s suggestions as to how to ameliorate its antisocial effects.