From Pine View Farm

June, 2024 archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years, Reprise 0

As Mark Twain said, “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”

And the rhymes are Trumpeting.

Title:  Many White Americans Fail To Assimilate.  Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Drive-Thru politeness.


The Law and Order Party 0

GOP Elephant wearing button reading

Click for the original image and the artist’s commentary.


Decoding De Code 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, Daniel Ruth makes a telling case that “MAGA” stands for “Making America Gonzo Again.”


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Also, still revising after all these years.



Craig McLacklan, in the voice of Dr. Blake, and LYke Ryan, in the voice of Xavier McBride:

McBride: Do you believe in God, Doctor?

Blake: I used to believe in a just and merciful God.

McBride: And now?

Blake: And now I’m not so sure.


Hoist on Their Own Petard 0

Via C&L, which has commentary.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

And, again, politeness becomes child’s play.

And thus passeth another life, sacrificed at the feet of the idol of the portable phallus.


Overload 0

Rat:  Oh Great Wise Ass, I'm constantly depressed by the news of the world.  Great Wise Ass:  Is that so?  Rat:  Yes, but then I think--prior generations had the the news, but they were tough and they got through it.  Great Wise Ass:  Prior generations got one half hour of news a day.  (Later)  Rat says to Pig:  Those wussies had it easy.

Click to view the original image.


Nor Any Drop To Drink 0

Mike and Farron try to make sense of Florida’s banning mandatory water breaks for persons who work outside in Florida’s subtropical heat, and, as someone who has visited Florida in the summer, I can attest that it’s pretty darn hot. (Mike and Farron then go on to address prescription drug price gouging.)

I grew up on the farm pictured at the top of this page–yes, that is Pine View Farm, full of pines because Daddy loved him his pine trees. When I was little, my father would send me out to pull weeds in the fields, because fields got to be weeded. When I got older, he taught me how to drive the tractor so I could plow and harrow and cultivate the fields. (And, man, I loved driving that old Farmall C! My favorite task was harrowing, because you dnn’t have to think, you just had to drive around and make sure you don’t miss a spot.) Taking care of the farm was all just part of being a farm boy

But my Daddy never told me I couldn’t have a drink of water when I needed one.

Today’s Republican Party is a vile and loathsome thing.


A Disarming Action 0

In a somewhat surprising twist, the armed society just got a little more polite.


Droning On 0

In a twist, the U. S. finds itself fighting new tech with an old law.


Karen Karen-Like 0

A graduation course in Karen.




In fact men will fight for a superstition quite as quickly as for a living truth – often more so, since a superstition is so intangible you cannot get at it to refute it, but truth is a point of view, and so is changeable.


The Courage of Their Conviction 0

Seth takes a closer look at Republicans’ reactions to the Trump hush money business fraud trial.


It’s All about the Algorithm 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Jessica Koehler explores a number of ways in which “social” media isn’t. Here’s one of those ways (emphasis in the original):

Echo Chambers Leading to Confirmation Bias

Algorithms often create echo chambers by displaying content that aligns with users’ existing beliefs. This phenomenon reinforces negative thought patterns and contributes to polarized thinking. A report from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences emphasized that social media plays a significant role in creating these echo chambers. The resulting increased isolation and misunderstandings in social contexts can be profound. Similarly, a report by the Guardian highlighted how algorithms on platforms like Facebook and Twitter exacerbate these echo chambers, intensifying political and social divides. This limited exposure to diverse perspectives leads to a narrower and more biased worldview.

Follow the link for more ways in which “social” media isn’t and for Koehler’s suggestions as to how to ameliorate its antisocial effects.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Frame One:  MAGA-hatted man reading newpaper with a

Via Job’s Anger.


It’s Bubblelicious 0

Sam and the crew discuss the Fox News bubble and how it is divorced from reality.


The Fee Hand of the Market 0

CEO and executives in a staff meeting at

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another incident of courtesy on the concrete.


I was chatting with a neighbor a couple of days ago and she mentioned that, when she goes to watch her niece play lacrosse for her school, she has to go through a metal detector to get to the stands.

We are a broken society that has sacrificed civility at the feet of the idol of the portable phallus.
