June, 2024 archive
Establishmentarians 0
Jimmy Kimmel highlights the hypocrisy.
If the Scribes and Pharisees of the Gospels had had a political party, it would have looked like today’s Republ–oh, never mind.
Video via C&L, which has commentary.
He’s a Real Big Man . . . 0
. . . or so he would have you think.
Gene Kelly, in the voice of Jerry Mulligan:
Civilization has a natural resistance against improving itself.
The Rule of Lawless 0
In an article at the Idaho State Journal, Jesse Robison posits that today’s Republican Party’s disdain for the rule of law is–er–somewhat disquieting.
Courting Disaster 0
The latest on loose Cannon law.
Establishmentarians 0
Emma and the crew delight in CNN’s Boris Sanchez’s unrelenting grilling of establishmentarian Lauren Ventrella’s duplicitous doubletalk.
I find it somewhat disconcerting that Ventrella considers an English text of a commandment that Sanchez displayed on the screen to be the “most historical” version of it. As far as I remember, the commandments had been around for two or three millennia before being rendered into English.
Then, again, we are a society of stupid, which idolizes the ignorant and venerates the vacuous.
Republican Thought Police 0
Writing at the Kansas City Star, Joe Kohlburn offers an explanation for recent mobilization of the Republican Thought Police SWAT teams across the country:
Follow the link for his reasoning.
Monetization Nation, Reprise 0
Bob Molinaro, sportswriter extraordinaire, follows the money (emphasis in the original):
The market: In August, Ohio State is making each of its first four football practices available to a few hundred fans for $50 a ticket. You may have noticed that everything in college sports is for sale.
Establishmentarians 0
PoliticalProf notes an unintended inference.
A Pillow of the Community 0
Judge to Mike Lindell: Your pillow has no case.