From Pine View Farm

June, 2024 archive


Sarah Kendzior:

As scholars of authoritarianism have long advised, believe the autocrat when he speaks.


A Trivial Moment 0

Thanks to an episode of Forensic Investigators, I learned that, in Australia, Queensland is the “Sunshine State.”

If you liked Forensic Files, you’ll like Forensic Investigators.


A Tune for the Times 0

Warning: Mild language.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Today, it is Judith Pantages, writing in the Las Vegas Sun, who hears a rhyme.


*Mark Twain.


The Vice of the Turtle 0

David points out that Republicans are choosing party over country faction over freedom (warning: short commercial at the end(.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Get out of Jail free cardNeighborly politeness.

Too many guns. Too much stupid.

And too many persons who don’t know the difference between “accident” and “negligence” when guns are involved.


Gutting Out the Vote, Reprise 0

Lemont is reading a letter:  Dear Voter:  As you know, there have been almost no incidents of voter fraud in this state.  In response, we have purged tens of thousands of suspicious voters, such as yourself, from the voter rolls.  To be reinstated, you must schedule a hearing to provide us with a valid ID, birth certificate, and third-grade report card.  If you are a 993-year-old minority without a birth certificate, simply have your parent verify your citizenship.

Click to view the original image.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

These vote gutter-outers just phoned it in.


Vaccine Nation 0

Court to Anti-VAXXer: Case dismissed.

The stupid. It burns.



Benjamin Disraeli:

There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour.


The Privatization Scam 0

Thom dissects the con behind Medicare (Dis)Advantage and the con that is coming.


“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned To Repeat It”* 0

It would appear that we are among those so condemned.


*George Santayana.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Frame One:  MAGA-hatted man looks at headline about Trump's conviction and shouts,

Via Juanita Jean.


Courting Disaster 0


True Colors 0

Sam Alito's wife on the phone to her husband as she hangs a Confederater flag from the balcony of their house:  Yes, Sam, I put up another flag, but, don't worry, no one can tell if this one's upside down.

Click to view the original image.

Kathryne Rubino has more.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, “responsible gun owners” expose a child to politeness . . . .

When deputies arrived, they found a 2-year-old boy suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Center Point Fire and Rescue transported the boy to Children’s of Alabama for treatment of a non-life-threatening injury.

JCSO (Jefferson County, Alabama, Sheriff’s Office–ed.) says the preliminary investigation revealed the child was in a vehicle with his mother and a man when the boy discovered a gun while in the vehicle and accidently (sic) shot himself.

. . . and, once again, the difference between “accidentally” and “negligently” is somehow overlooked.


Freedom of Screech 0

More evidence that twits own Twitter of X offenders: “Likes” will no longer be visible. At Joe.My.God,Joe Jervis observes that Elon Musk recently got royally roasted for “liking” a post by an avowed Nazi and comments:

Aside from protecting people from backlash for liking, say, pro-Hitler and racist content, this change will also dissuade users from encouraging content that that they agree with since likes will now be anonymous.

But obviously, the main intent of this move is to elevate the posts of extremists, as you can plainly see by the post below by X’s official account.”

Follow the link for context.



Alison Bell, the voice of Adeline Campbell:

He was a consumate politician. Everything was about himself.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini wonders if the Lake is evaporating.
