June, 2024 archive
Establishmentarians 0
At the Kansas City Star, Baptist minister Stephen D. Jones expresses grave concerns that we are in danger of losing our freedom of (and freedom from) religion under the influence of what he refers to as “white Christian nationalists” Here’s what he has to say about their motivation (emphasis added); follow the link for the rest.
The “Political Correctness” Misdirection Play 0
In an interview, Julia Louis-Dreyfus takes issue with Jerry Seinfeld’s recent complaint about what he dubbed “PC crap.”
The Veep actress said pushing back on political correctness could be a “red flag.”
“When I hear people starting to complain about political correctness — and I understand why people might push back on it — but to me that’s a red flag, because it sometimes means something else,” she said. “I believe being aware of certain sensitivities is not a bad thing. I don’t know how else to say it.”
My take is simple.
When persons start complaining about “PC crap,” it’s generally because they don’t like being called out for being mean for the sake of mean.
A Pillow of the Community 0
Mike Lindell loses his attempt to enforce undue process of the law.
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
In the midst of a longer post about a recent made-up who-shot-john over the Trump hush money financial fraud trial, Dick Polman succinctly states one reason–perhaps the primary reason–why “social” media isn’t:
It has long baffled me why persons will believe stuff they see on a computer screen when they would not believe the same stuff if it happened right before their eyse.
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Heather Lynch explores how dis coarse discourse got so coarse.
The Lake Effect 0
Apparently, Kari Lake overflowed last week.
Billy Ray:
The opposite of chaos politically is not order. The opposite of chaos is community.
By the way, the interview from which that quotation is taken is worth a listen. Billy Ray shares some most thoughtful–er–thoughts.
Promises! Promises! 0
Mangy comments at the Youtube page:
As a normal person, it is very difficult to imagine believing ANYTHING that Donald Trump says, however, Trump is NOT supported by normal people, only delusional cultists, rubes, suckers, fools, morons, and dopes. That being the case, even after seeing him do this for YEARS, there are still Trumpers out there who actually believe him when in says “In two weeks I’ll have my fabulous health care plan all ready to unveil” or “In two weeks, we will give you all the details on my infrastructure plans”, or “We have all the proof the election was stolen, but we can’t reveal it for two weeks, but then it will shake the world, REALLY”. Reminds me of the old saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me hundreds of times, Jeez! I must be a real dumbass”.
Facebook Frolics 0
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Indeed, it amplifies the antisocial and propagates the pollution of the polity.