From Pine View Farm

December, 2024 archive

Nor Any Drop To Drink 0

Many have speculated that there must be something in the water down in Florida. If there is, it sappears Florida law prevents taking any action about it.

In other words, Florida is apparently the home of the dirt pour.

A snippet from the story:

For the second time this year, a Florida appellate court has ruled against environmentalists fighting to enact a widely supported local clean water measure.

The Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled Thursday that although 83% of voters in Titusville approved a 2022 initiative establishing the right to clean water, the city in Brevard County couldn’t enact it because of a 2020 state law preventing local government from giving rights to bodies of water, plants, and animals.

And, in related news . . . .


Pay Prey To Pray 0

Jesu, Mary, and Joseph.

Barnum was wrong. There’s more than one born every minute.


“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned To Repeat It”* 0

And, remember, there are those who don’t want us to remember the past, because they do want us to repeat it, and they still rising again after all these years.


*George Santayana.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner.” Another child.

When officers arrived on the scene, they saw a 7-year-old child lying on the couch in the living room with what appeared to be a gunshot wound to her upper left thigh.

The complainant, the child’s mother, told officers that she, the victim and two others were laying in a bedroom watching television.

She said she didn’t know how her daughter gained access to the firearm because it was supposed to be secured underneath the mattress.

Methinks “mattress” and “gun safe” are not synonyms.

So many guns. So much stupid.


Bugging Out 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Jennifer Gerlach muses on what lessons we can learn from Bugs Bunny.



Chauncey Depew:

A witty illustration or an apt story will accomplish more than columns of argument.


A Tune for the Times 0


A Notion of Immigrants 0



What’s in a Name? 0

At the Las Vegas Sun, Jack Abell would like to know.


Devolution 0

Puzzled looking woman at

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, politeness becomes child’s play.

Too many guns, Too much stupid.


Establishmentarians 0

At the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Lloyd Hill has a suggestion for America’s right-wing evangelical they-call-themselves Christians.


Influencer idiocy 0

The stupid.

It burns.

And we are again reminded that “social” media isn’t.



S.Z. Sakall, in the voice of Felix Bassenak:

Sometimes, if you shut up, maybe you learn something.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

The dialog: That’s Tracy over there. I’m sure of it.

The closed caption: That’s crazy over there. I’m sure of it.

The intelligence: Artificial.

The stupid: Real.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Rep. Melanie Stansbury argues the we are facing McCarthyism v. 2.0, with extra added malice and stupid (commentary by Cliff Shecter).

Via C&L.


*Mark Twain.


The Entitlement Society 0

A Twits on Twitter An X Offender.


The Lizard of Oz 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Houston Police Department officials say several family members were in the apartment at the time of the accident. An adult family member slipped on the tile floor, and the fall caused him to drop his gun. A curious 7-year-old boy picked up the firearm and unintentionally discharged the weapon into his right forearm.

Yet more evidence that “responsible gun owner” is a nonsensical phrase . . . .


All the News that Fits 0

Title:  Security Flaw Found in Americans' Brains.  Frame One:  Dr. Medulla Oblongata of the Center for Cerebral Security says,

Click to view the original image.

From Pine View Farm
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