From Pine View Farm

Rotten Rotters on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

Writing at Psychology Today Blogs, Krystal L. Culler, discusses brain rot caused by overexposure to “social” media. While acknowledging that “brain rot” is not an officially recognized diagonsis, she argues that it is a very real phenomenon.

Here are her main points:

  • Brain rot is not a diagnosable term, but it is a real phenomenon linked to social media and online use.
  • Excessive time spent on social media affects brain functions like memory, decision-making, and mental health.
  • Everyone can invest in daily brain skill strategies to combat brain rot.
  • Focusing on the three dimensions of brain health—thinking, feeling, and doing—protects cognitive function.

Follow the link for her detailed exploration of the topic.

And, remember, “social” media isn’t.


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