“R” Rated 0
“R” for “Republican”:
There’s a transcript of much of it here.
Here’s the point:
Lots (I pointedly do not say nor mean “all”) of these “family values” Republicans spout “family values,” not because they have any, but because they think it will get votes.
And it is curious how “family values” in their parlance refers always to sexual behavior, not to business practices, not to treating persons with courtesy in publc discourse, not to lying the nation into war, not to giving away the store to “contractors” who cost more and provide less than full-time government employees, not to threats against the lives of elected officials.
Sexual behavior, so long as there is no hurt nor victimization, really is not the government’s business. Prattling on about “family values” to get votes is a misdirection tactic to distract voters from stuff that is the government’s business, such as, say, just for example, don’t know why I would think of these, fraudulent and reckless banking practices, e. coli in the food supply, and the broken health care system.
It is a deeply cynical manipulation of those who believe their rhetoric.
Video via Brendan.