From Pine View Farm

Mystical Magical Obamagic 1

Alex Goodall dissects the secret messages of Mr. Obama’s speech to school kids. A nugget:

Those parents were right. When the president extolls them to work hard, the only patriotic response is to resist. Fail! And fail as well as you can.

Serious thought: The hoo-ha over this talk did not start because the talk was conceivably objectionable. Hell, Mr. Obama is too smart a politician to try to pull off the kind of crap he was being accused of (and I think he would never have conceived of what was attributed to him, because I think he is a good and decent man, however much I disagree with some of his strategic and policy decisions).

The hoo-ha over this talk followed this sequence:

    1. Hate Obama and everything he stands for, even if you have no idea what he stands for.

    2. Find something and twist it to justify the hate.

    3. Rinse and repeat.


1 comment

  1. Alex

    September 10, 2009 at 6:14 am

    Thanks Frank!