Sauce for the Goose 0
Sauce for the gander. Elizabeth Day at the Guardian:
It came courtesy of an Institute of Child Health study of more than 12,500 five-year-olds that suggested the children of working women are less active and more likely to eat unhealthy food.
The subsequent reaction was rather predictable.
There was the usual thrown-together media debate between muffin-baking housewives and BlackBerry-wielding career women and the stripped pine kitchens of middle England reverberated with the sound of rustling crisp packets as harassed nannies rapidly emptied the cupboards of junk food
But amid all the fuss there was a conspicuous silence from the nation’s men. Interesting though the findings were, it was striking that there was no comparative evaluation of what impact a working father might have on his children. In fact, the role of the male parent had been quite deliberately ignored: according to Professor Catherine Law, who led the study, there was no need to include them because fathers’ employment levels had not substantially changed whereas the numbers of working mothers had increased dramatically in the last few years.