From Pine View Farm

And Now for a Musical Interlude 2


Why do so many of today’s female pop singers choose to sing in voices that sound like little girls?

I mentioned this to my friend today, and she has the same wonder.



  1. Minstrel Michael

    February 7, 2021 at 12:41 pm

    It’s not just today. Check out any Marilyn Monroe song performance. Check out the woman who did the voices for Betty Boop, whose name I’m spacing out on right now, but her record of “He’s So Unusual” was big hit 80 years or more ago. Root around in those corners of YouTube, you’ll find hundreds of examples.

  2. Frank

    February 7, 2021 at 11:18 pm

    Good point!

    You’re probably thinking of Helen Kane, who I would have thought of, but I did a web search after reading your comment and found this.

    But the little girl voices seem to be almost epidemic these days (not that I pay all that much attention to popular music any more–Benny Goodman and Rimsky-Korsakov are more my speed).

    And thanks for visiting!