Resurrecting Lies 1
I remember hearing Joe McCarthy’s rants on Marconi’s Magic Box when I was a young ‘un.
He lied. He was a liar through and through, who would say anything to scare the public and get votes.
He is the spiritual godfather of the modern Republican Party, which will say anything to scare the public and get votes.
And in Texas, some folks want his lies to live again.
Now, in the home stretch of a process that will set the state’s nationally influential standards, a liberal watchdog group is worried that the State Board of Education will try to push through changes to claim that communist-hunting Sen. Joseph McCarthy has been vindicated by history, among other right-wing pet issues.
H/T Karen for the link.
If these clowns will buy Joe McCarthy, maybe I can sell them this bridge I have here.
March 17, 2010 at 8:16 pm
[…] as evident until now, from what I’ve seen. Now, they’re changing the history books,, to read what pleases them, they want to do even more. Unseat this illegal presidency by using the […]