From Pine View Farm

Unreconstructed Revisionists 2

The Philadelphia Inquirer discusses the Regent’s Confederate History Month Proclamation, the Texas School Book Massacre, and other such malefactions. The excerpt below suffers much snippage; follow the link to read the whole thing–it’s worth two minutes of your time.

McDonnell, who said he issued the proclamation at the request of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group that would love to rewrite history from its perspective. . . .

Only after the Sons group said it wouldn’t mind slavery being mentioned in the proclamation did McDonnell rewrite it . . . .

But not all attempts like McDonnell’s to rewrite history are thwarted. Concerned about what it perceived to be a liberal bias in textbooks, the Texas Board of Education has ordered up a different version of events from book manufacturers. . . .

And what will the books say? Well, a tip of the hat to the conservative political movement will include Phyllis Schlafly and the Heritage Foundation. A focus on the Confederacy will include side-by-side comparisons of speeches by Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln, as if they were equals.

That will surely make the Sons of Confederate Veterans proud. Revisionist history is what they’re all about, but someone has to stand up for the truth.



  1. Karen

    April 19, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    1. I hate Excel  (just thought I’d throw that in there)

    2. Texas is bound & determined to make sure nobody leaves the state. They won’t know how. The “education” they’re gonna get is so skewed, the kids won’t be able to find the borders.

  2. Frank

    April 19, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    I hate Excel also.  I use Open Office.

    Texas is extremely fornicated up.  Too much red eye and too many John Wayne movies., not enough sarsaparilla and reality.