Sic Semper Tyrannis? 0
At Psychology Today Blogs. Neel Burton takes an in-depth look at what classical philosophers–Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Seneca, etc.–had to say about tyranny. All of them had intimate knowledge of, and, in many cases, first-hand experience with tyrannical rulers.
In the course of the article, he suggests three conditions that must be met to hold tyranny at bay. In the context of dis coarse discourse, they give rise to feelings of–er–unease (emphasis added):
Second, we need to think more carefully about education, and what it means to be educated. Unless we transform ourselves by carrying out the work of the mind, we could be millionaires, like Nero, or Putin, and still be miserable. Playing the tyrant, and taking everyone down with us, is not, as Seneca reminds us, what human beings are for.
I find the entire piece timely, indeed, alarmingly so, and commend it to your attention.