A Tune for the Times 0
Mangy comments at the Youtube page:
Donald Trump was complaining at one of his rallies recently that the TV networks and press never give him credit for being such an outstanding orator. Few Rotary Club secretaries reading the minutes of the past month’s meeting can come close to him in terms of whipping a crowd into a frenzy. Very few PTA treasurers reading their financial report aloud to parents can rival him when it comes to inspiring folks to violence. What more proof does one need? Trump is kind of the Mark Twain, Julius Caesar, Will Rogers, Bernie Madoff, and Adolph Hitler of public speaking, all in one package, equal in size to the lot of them as well.
Mangy Fetlocks has a great reverence for those who can command a crowd by sheer force of will. He’s heard more than his share of braying asses, and Trump is up there with the best of them.