It’s All about the Benjamins 0
Back when I was a young ‘un the college football season ended with the New Year’s bowl games. Now, it’s still going on shows no sign of ending. Meanwhile, I’ve lost almost all interest in professional and college college-level professional sports. (And, yes, I think there’s cause-and-effect there.)
At Psychology Today Blogs, Tess M. Kilwein takes a look at some of the recent changes in college sports their potential effects on “student” athletes, noting that “(t)hese . . . developments in college athletics pose both benefits and risks to student-athlete mental health.” Here’s a bit of her article:
Furthermore, student-athletes face a reduced ability to enjoy a typical college experience. Opportunities to engage in formal clubs and organizations or informal social activities outside of the college athletic environment are becoming increasingly rare for student-athletes and can result in further isolation from non-athlete peers.