“Reality-Based” My Anatomy 0
Some of my leftie friends like to refer to themselves as a “reality-based” community, to differentiate themselves from this kind of reasoning.
I don’t see much reality in the leftie reaction to the compromise on tax cuts.
One more time, Mr. Obama was elected President, not king; the Presidential Seal is not dusted with magickal pixie dust that ensures he gets your way.
He can’t get laws that Congress won’t give and, unlike his predecessor, he believes in the rule of law. He’s not going to make laws up; that’s not his nature.
He also believes that getting something is better than a Pyrrhic victory under a “Mission Accomplished” banner.
Furthermore, anyone who ever though Mr. Obama was some kind of cutting edge liberal wasn’t paying attention during the campaign. He is being what he promised to be: a slightly left-of-center mainstream Democrat who believes that compromise is worthwhile to get stuff done.
Do I like it that the persons who have benefited most from the American economy continue not to pay their fair share to support it? No.
But . . .
If you’re one of my leftie friends who’s taken to blaming Mr. Obama for the morally bankrupt and craven actions of the Republican Party and their Blue Dog pets (and you know who you are), grow up.
You’re acting as if you just discovered that there’s no Santa Claus and can’t deal with it.
Give me a break.
I had a much longer post composed in my head, but Dennis G. beat me to it.