From Pine View Farm

The Republican War on Truth 2

The editorial page editor of my local rag has an excellent column on corporatist and Republican efforts to debunk scientific fact.

I can’t excerpt or summarize it adequately.

All I can say is go read it.



  1. George Smith

    April 15, 2011 at 10:36 am

    And he doesn’t even get into the bit that York is still one of the battlegrounds for evolution vs. creationism. That would have made the piece twice as long, explaining why it’s virtually impossible to teach significant science in public grade schools across much of the country.

  2. Frank

    April 15, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    As it was, the piece took up the top third of the op-ed page this morning.

    The Dover Creationism trial was one of three events that aligned to turn me into a political blogger.  The outing of Blackwater and Abu Gharib were the others.