From Pine View Farm

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Josh Marshall identifies a new psychological pathology to be submitted for inclusion in the DSM:

TPM is officially announcing the birth of ‘long-form birtherism’. Just as it is widely attested in the sociological literature that messianic and apocalyptic cults frequently become more intense in their belief, the same pattern will now create so-called ‘Long-form birthers’. Normative religious scholars are objecting that a more proper analogy might be to the various sects of Shi’a Islam which believe in different Imams as the final legitimate Imam in the succession of Ali.

Frankly, I think the President’s releasing the “long form” birth certificate was a silly idea.

In usenet lingo, the White House is feeding the trolls. Just makes them hungrier.

These birther trolls already have all the proof they need of Mr. Obama’s illegitimacy in office. In their eyes

    Prez ain’t white.
    That ain’t right.

It is that simple.


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