Obamabotics 0
I am continually bewildered by some of my leftie friends who think that President Obama was somehow elected Emperor Obama, who delude themselves into thinking he is much more liberal than he is, and who are angry that he has not by fiat enacted every single one of their pet projects.
Anyone who thinks Mr. Obama is anything other than a mildly center left Democrat just was not paying attention during the campaign.
(Yes, my kindhearted, outraged, outrageous friend from Philadelphia, I’m thinking of you.)
Do I wish Mr. Obama were more liberal?
Damn right, but consider what could have been, for Heaven’s sake.
Some of my fellow lefties also–and this is their most significant failing–delude themselves into thinking he governs in a vacuum and carries a magic wand. His name is Barack Obama, not Harry Potter.
Accordingly, I commend Angry Black Lady’s post on this topic to your attention.