From Pine View Farm

It’s the Authenticity, Stupid 0

Meghan Daum dissects politicians’ (and others’) attempts to appear “authentic” and finds them often so much insincere play-acting not to be authentic.

A nugget:

Then again, I’m referring not to the traditional definition of authenticity, but its expanded contemporary definition. Call it “aw, shucks authenticity.” Instead of “true to one’s own personality, spirit or character” (Webster’s words), it’s more like “successfully evoking a culturally agreed-upon idea of ordinariness.” That is, rolling one’s sleeves up to one’s elbows or convincingly wearing plaid shirts, being “plain-spoken,” or displaying small-town roots as proof of trustworthiness.

I exaggerate, but only slightly. Somehow authenticity has gone from a broad term about candor and genuineness to a code word for chimerical perceptions of simple American values and a simple, even rural middle-American life. Never mind that there’s nothing simple about life in rural America and never mind that concerns about authenticity are a hallmark of existentialist philosophy, which doesn’t necessarily jibe with the Wal-Mart meme. It’s still managed to become a staple of advertising and self-help discourse (Eat authentic tapas! Achieve authentic happiness!) and, especially in its aw-shucks form, a major factor in the 2012 political races.


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