“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Promoting politeness (click for the whole article, which details existing law and the dispute):
Gun-rights advocates have lobbied Gov. Bob McDonnell to scrap the program, arguing that it is redundant because a federal background check system can replace it.
Gun-control groups say doing so would take a valuable law enforcement tool away from Virginia State Police and undermine state gun laws.Efforts to cancel the state’s 22-year-old background check system, known as the Virginia Firearms Transaction Program, could be debated in the upcoming General Assembly session. Republicans will control state government for the first time since 2001 and a determined push to loosen state gun laws is expected.
Just what we need, an environment friendlier to more Columbines and Virginia Techs.
Gun nuts will not rest until every city is Dodge City and every hill is Boot Hill.
This will for killing machines has nothing to do with the Constitution, the intent of the Framers, or personal liberty and everything to do with dark Freudian lust. All that other stuff is smokescreen.