From Pine View Farm

Real Americans 0

Frankly, I resent the Republican Party’s implication that, unless you vote wingnut, you are not from the “Real America.”

My father’s people came here in the early 1600’s. My mother’s people received their family farm (which, unfortunately, her Grandfather drank away) in a landgrant from one of the Kings Georges.

My ancestors on both sides fought in the Revolutionary War.

They also fought (on the wrong side, sadly–something that caused Second Son great embarrassment when he saw a statue of my Great-Great-mumble not sure how many Greats-Uncle signing John Brown’s death certificate at the Harper’s Ferry Wax Museum) in the Civil War.

And my family has fought in American Wars before and since.

My older son wears the uniform of the United States of America and has twice served overseas in combat.

The little Baptist Church in which I grew up stands on land donated by one of my ancestors before the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.

And for some venal, insipid, pandering, ignorant pol to imply that I and my family members and anyone else who loves this country and what it stands for, no matter whether they have been here three months or three hundred years, who believes in the ideals of the Founders, who reveres the blood they shed and the risks they took, are somehow not “real America” because of our choices at the ballot box, is beyond disgusting.

All this reveals is that the wingnuts really have no understanding of what this nation, its history and heritage, its ideals, its sacrifices, its failures and triumphs, are about.

I have no words for my contempt for them and their arrogance and ignorance.


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