From Pine View Farm

Rick Perry, Bail-Out Baby 0

Rick Perry, independent son of the West, continues his attempts to have the evul fedrul guvmint pull his chestnuts out of the fire. Having had his case thrown out of court once, he’s returning to the fedrul trough:

On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge John Gibney ruled that Perry, Newt Gingrich and other candidates who failed to make the cut waited too long to pursue their legal challenges, which were brought as ballot printing was getting underway and the mailing of absentee ballots was about to commence.

However, Gibney said Perry and the other candidates would like (sic; probably meant “likely”–ed.) have prevailed on their claim that a Virginia requirement that ballot petition circulators be Virginia residents violates the Constitution.

In a motion filed at 7 A.M. Sunday with the Richmond-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, Perry’s legal team argues that it would have been too speculative for them to file suit before Perry failed to make the 10,000 signature threshold last month. Perry asks that his name be place on the March 6 ballot or, at a minimum, that the printing of ballots be suspended until his lawsuit can be resolved.

It appears that, in Texas, the grapes are not only bigger, they are also more sour.


I doubt the Virginia voting laws represent any kind of ideal. Remember that the place is currently run by Republicans, who are hostile to voting, and has a history, as do other Jim Crow states, of restricting suffrage.

Nevertheless, I must delight in watching Wild Wild Westman running to the Feds for help.


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