From Pine View Farm

Sauce for the Goose . . . 0


An Ivy League scholar and mother-of-two is touching a raw nerve by questioning whether high-flying career women with families, at least American ones, can truly “have it all.”

Writing in The Atlantic magazine, Anne-Marie Slaughter cited her own downshift from powerful State Department official to mere Princeton University professor as evidence that they cannot, at least not as US society now stands.

Notice how no one ever wonders why men can’t have it all?

It’s because men expect to have it all by birthright. And by and large get away with it.

I’ll give you an example:

I had stayed home with my sick son. The next day, the boss, who had raised two sons after a nasty divorce from a nasty man, called me into her cubby and asked, “Why have you been missing so much time to stay home with your kid?”

“My wife said to me, ‘Why should I always be the one to miss work?'”

Boss looked at me for about 15 seconds, then said, “You know, you’re right. Get out of here.”

Best boss I ever had.


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