From Pine View Farm

Off the Halftracks 4

Daniel Ruth on the Generals–he doesn’t say anything new, but it’s a fun read.

Nothing spoils a perfectly delightful scandal involving power, lust and ambition more than the intrusion of seriousness.

Long after the cameras are folded up in front of the Declasse Doyenne’s underwater mansion on Bayshore Boulevard, we are still left to wonder just how did David Petraeus and John Allen find themselves transformed in the time it takes to unsnap a bra or hit the send button from bold, visionary military figures to General Halftrack chasing Miss Buxley around?

Then there’s this:



  1. George Smith

    November 16, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    Jill did parlay that pink and awesome rack into the pictures, didn’t she? Ooh-la-la, to quote Rod Stewart.

  2. Frank

    November 16, 2012 at 4:46 pm

    I think one of the factors driving this is the opportunities for media to go all paparazzi over pretty ladies.

  3. George Smith

    November 16, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    Well, if Mrs. Pink didn’t have a career in the entertainment biz before, she will now. Better than 50/50 chance at a book deal, reality show on cable or both. I guess this is the weak tea version of the Profumo affair, so to speak.

  4. Frank

    November 16, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    I was just listening to this and one of the hosts hazarded that it’s better to have an affair with your biographer than with your auto-biographer . . . .

    If you want news of the Jill, see–she’s a well-known girl-about-town.