His Party Left Him 0
The Tampa Bay Times reviews the political odyssey of “Doc” Dockery, once a mainstay of the Florida Republican Party.
Actually, he didn’t odyssey–he’s pretty much the guy he always was. It’s his party that has run off the rails.
A nugget:
“And this thing about 47 percent? We want to exclude 47 percent of the people who are citizens and eligible to vote in this country? (Mitt) Romney was representing much of the thought of the Republican Party when he said that, and I don’t think that way,” said Dockery, who changed his party registration about two years ago but said he will switch back to the GOP if he wants to weigh in on a primary.
Read it. If you are clinging to some notion based on the Republican Party of the past, it’s time to give it up and realize that today’s Republican Party is nuts.